Wednesday, July 13, 2011

“Emmy’s Pledge” Hannah Asks her Peers to Stop Using the R-Word

Story as told by Hannah:

I completed my senior year this year at Rancho Buena Vista high school, in Vista, California. Traditionally seniors are required to complete community participation hours and most students choose to attend school board meetings or events in the community. I chose to create my own project entitled “Emmy’s Pledge”. My little sister’s name is Emmy and she is 9 years old. 

Hannah & Emmy

Emmy was born with a seizure disorder and has had three major brain surgeries, leaving her with special needs. My project was created in an effort to influence my peers to stop using the R-word, so I created a pledge that stated, “I pledge and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the R-word and promote acceptance and inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities.” . I spoke in numerous history classes and told Emmy’s story. Students were invited to sign the pledge and buy a purple bracelet that said “Emmy’s Pledge” on it to serve as a reminder NOT to use the R-Word. All of the proceeds paid for four of the special-needs students at my school to go to Prom. One of the four students named Randy, was voted Prom King by our student body.

What I learned the most during this process is the immense impact one individual can have if they set their mind to do something. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity because it allowed me to bring light to an issue that has been overlooked for so long. People are beginning to see those with special needs, not for their disabilities alone. I truly hope discrimination against people who cannot defend themselves is one step closer to being diminished.


  1. Hannah,

    From one sister to another I am so proud of you! I have often struggled with peer groups using the R-Word. Good for you for taking this on. You and Emmy are both lucky to have each other!

  2. My son is a student in the severely handicapped class at RBV. I wish I had known about your efforts while you were still on campus so I could have thanked you personally. You are a fine young woman and you will no doubt continue to make change in this world.
    Sincerely, Deborah Burt
