Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Wishes from BBCA Staff

To Our Family:

Please give yourselves a hand. Each and every one of you are the reason we continue to succeed in pushing our mission and message of social inclusion to the world and, without you, we’d be lost. 2011 has been an amazing year for everyone in the Best Buddies CA family and that was more than obvious this past Saturday at our 2nd Annual BBCA Family Holiday Party so graciously hosted by Guess? Inc, Susan Tenney and their incredible staff. We cannot say enough to thank them for going the extra mile and making the party such an amazing experience for everyone who attended.

From the photo booth to the karaoke to cutting loose on the dance floor, we hope that all of you enjoyed the party just as much as we did. On Saturday, you would be hard pressed to find a staff member or volunteer without a smile on their face and that is a credit to all of you – your commitment, caring for each other and enthusiasm for everything that Best Buddies stands for.

With every event, we are struck not only by the remarkable supporters and family members that we have within BBCA, but how close we have all become and that’s what this is all about. Even though there were about 300 people in attendance, it felt so intimate and warm that it is easy to see how much of a family we have become over the past year. For the staff at BBCA it never goes unnoticed.

In 2011 we saw many incredible events come out of California from the Friendship Walk to the Hearst Castle ride to Bowling for Buddies and the Holiday Party with a little dash of Flash Mobbing in between. 2012 promises to be just as thrilling, fun and important for BBCA - we make it our duty to do so. This last Saturday only confirmed what we already knew: how lucky we are to have all of you and all of the extraordinary individuals we get to call our friends, supporters, family and colleagues. You are all champions!

In closing, enjoy your Holiday season, spend as much time as possible with those you love and keep warm! We are honored that you have let us become a part of your family.

From everyone at BBCA, here’s to you and yours and a happy, healthy Holiday Season!

In Friendship,

Best Buddies CA

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Best Buddy Beginnings: New Friendships form between Oakes Children’s Center and International High School in San Francisco

By Shelly Helgeson

Nerves were running rampant as everyone prepared to meet their Buddy or Peer Buddy for the first time last Wednesday, November 30th at Oakes Children’s Center.   It was the first official meeting of the newly formed Best  Buddies chapter at Oakes Children’s Center where high schools students with intellectual or developmental disabilities are matched in one-to-one friendships with high school students who attend the private academic International High School.  

There were a lot of firsts that night: the first time the schools came together, the first time Chapter President, Kelsey Boylan led a meeting of this kind, the first time Buddies met their Peer Buddies, and conversely, the first time Peer Buddies met their Buddies.  However, nerves were quickly quelled when Program Manager, Katelyn Bollenbacher led the group in an icebreaker exercise which had the entire group running and high-fiving each other when she called out interests that students had in common.  It’s interesting how quickly everyone relaxes when they focus on similarities instead of differences in people.
After the icebreaker the Buddies and Peer Buddies found out who their match was to be for the year and sat down to spend some quiet time getting to know each other and playing board games.  This time was really the most rewarding moment for me, the Program Supervisor, who has spent many hours in meetings and writing emails (since last January!!!) in attempts to start a chapter at Oakes Children’s Center and find a suitable school of Peer Buddies to partner with them.  

I watched several of the Buddy Pairs instantly “click” as they talked about what they liked to do in school or during their free time.  One Buddy Pair in particular made me grin from ear-to-ear when he met his Peer Buddy and immediately shouted, “Oh my gosh, that’s so cool! She likes to dance!!!”  His arm was around her by the end of the meeting and I got that warm feeling that usually indicates a meaningful friendship is forming thanks to the hard work not only I, but the student leadership and advisors put into establishing this Best Buddies Chapter.  

My work providing opportunities for friendships for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the Bay Area is far from being complete, but at least with a new chapter at Oakes Children’s Center, I’m one step closer.